
Learn How to be Proactive with Your Cybersecurity Approach at TEC

March 25, 2016

TEC will help you garner applicable knowledge on cybersecurity issues and practical solutions to bridge the gap between physical security and IT with its IT learning track. Want to delve further into the world of cybersecurity? Attend courses in the Cybersecurity Learning Track to become a more risk-responsible solutions provider. Try these courses at TEC:

Information Technology Sessions

Tuesday, May 10

Alternative Network Transmission

This course will look at alternative ways to communicate large amounts of IP video traffic as well as other IP traffic over short and long distances when a standard copper connection is not viable or cost prohibitive.

Identity Relationship Management Requirements to Address the Cloud, Mobile and the Internet of Things

This course presents the changing paradigm for security as cloud, mobility and the internet of things become more unified and alter the ways that companies do business today.

Leveraging Wearable Technologies for Smart Cities

Join this session to learn how to evaluate the technology behind smart, wearable devices beyond their ability to capture video.

Mobile Solutions for a Mobile World

Examine the features, benefits, and potential revenue surrounding the mobile marketplace.

Thursday, May 12

CompTIA Executive Certificate in Business Continuity and Data Recovery

Start your journey now toward a CompTIA Executive Certificate that sustains your customers’ business resilience and maintains your market leadership.

Edge Recording – The Best Solution for IP Video System Installations

This session will discuss edge recording as a solution to some of the challenges facing the video surveillance market.

Cybersecurity Sessions

Thursday, May 12

Cyber Liability Insurance

Examine why a company needs to Blend Errors and Omissions and CYBER coverage

Deploying Physical Security in Enterprise Networks

This course discusses how to prepare network-attached physical security equipment to be used in a modern enterprise network.

What is ‘Reasonable Security” According to Litigants, Courts and the Federal Government, and How Do You Meet this Standard?

This lecture will explore the definition of "reasonable security" as seen through plaintiffs in well-known data breaches, like Target, Home Depot, Ashley-Madison, Sony, etc., various court rulings, and some of the vague guidance by federal agencies such as the FTC and SEC, and their announcements and judgments.

Common Criteria Security Evaluations for Internet Enabled Devices

This presentation will cover the Common Criteria, which is the international standard (ISO 15408) for the evaluation of security properties of an Internet enabled device.

PSACommitteesAssessment, Control, and Monitoring Strategies for Internal Cyber Hygiene

Lost on Cyber Security? Tired of hearing about it and not sure how or where it impacts your business? Your PSA Cyber Security Committee presents a panel of experts who have worked on streamlining the 6 steps necessary for you to understand and mitigate the risks associated with cyber security in accordance with NIST’s Risk Management Framework. Learn about our work-to-date on your PSA Cyber Hygiene Playbook, and get a head start on cleaning up your internal data operations, or budgeting/planning to do so.

Cyber Security, IoT and the Role of Standards

This presentation examines cyber security from a physical security standards viewpoint, focusing on how established standards can help better secure sensitive communications between devices, as well as the broader technology industry’s use of standards to combat cyber threats.

Cybersecurity Policy Update: Implications for the Security Industry

This presentation will provide an update on relevant cybersecurity polices from entities such as GSA, DOD, DHS, NIST, Congress and state governments, in order to help define the implications for security integrators providing services to the federal government, energy, and other sectors.

Partnering for Cybersecurity: What Should You Expect from your Physical Security Vendors?

Attend and contribute to this panel discussion to learn how some manufacturers are working with their partner communities to keep them up-to-date and customers' systems secure.

For session times and dates, or to register for TEC visit: