Beyond The Edge Blog Series | Sales and Customer Service
While Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Eratosthenes theorized about a spherical earth, it wasn’t until the 1500’s that it was proven. It was the Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan who in 1519 led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. The success of that circumnavigation proved the earth was round.
We gather the brightest, most creative and compelling thought leaders in our security industry. We ask them to dare to look beyond the edge and help us envision what our future will look like. We bring in beyond the edge products and services that we think will benefit our community now and in the future. We conference, we share, we learn, we grow and we impart what we have learned to our compatriots when we return home.
Where would we be without historical visionaries like Magellan? Where would we be today without those who constantly push beyond the edge of the envelope and challenge conventional wisdom and beliefs? Wouldn’t it just be easier to go along with what everyone else is doing, saying, and believing? Accomplishments that require going beyond the edge aren’t for the weak at heart. They take people with a strong core vision and belief set; they take people with great leadership skills.
That’s what makes this theme so perfect for PSA TEC. We gather the brightest, most creative and compelling thought leaders in our security industry. We ask them to dare to look beyond the edge and help us envision what our future will look like. We bring in beyond the edge products and services that we think will benefit our community now and in the future. We conference, we share, we learn, we grow and we impart what we have learned to our compatriots when we return home.
PSA TEC. Beyond the Edge. We’ll make you well-rounded.
Find out more about TEC 2016 on the website: