Committee Member Spotlight: Rich Campbell
“I was absolutely thrilled to be asked to chair the P.E.O.P.L.E. Committee. I had been actively involved in the committee throughout the previous year, and I was always looking for more ways to share information and offer opportunities for committee members to share their voice.”
Rich Campbell, Training & Development Specialist, RFI, a Pavion company
P.E.O.P.L.E. Committee Chairperson
Rich Campbell began his career in the security industry 13 years ago when he was recruited from an IT position. He was attracted to the security industry’s mission to keep people safe and recognized its ample opportunities to pursue his passion for education. Today, Rich is the training & development specialist at RFI, a Pavion company, where he goes above and beyond to ensure technicians and customers have top-of-the-line training, support and resources.
As a Cybersecurity Committee and Next Gen Leadership Committee member, Rich was familiar with the power of PSA Committees’ collaboration, so when James Gallagher, committee facilitator, invited him to join the P.E.O.P.L.E. Committee, Rich was eager to get involved.
“I was motivated to join the committee because of its fresh approach to ideas and open forum discussions,” said Rich. “We share tools and materials that we use in our day-to-day work to encourage people to exemplify the core values of the committee, which are: have a purpose, strive to elevate yourself within your organization, share your passion for what you do, be a lifelong learner and always seek to evolve.”
P.E.O.P.L.E. stands for Purpose, Elevate, Organization, Passion, Learning and Evolve.
When asked about his path to becoming the committee’s chairperson, Rich reflects on his enthusiasm.
“I was absolutely thrilled to be asked to chair the committee when my predecessor, Lori Hudnall from SAGE Integration, completed her term,” said Rich. “I had been actively involved in the committee throughout the previous year, and I was always looking for more ways to share information and offer opportunities for committee members to share their voice.”
During his term, Rich and Lori presented a succession planning session at PSA TEC 2023, an idea that came from one of their committee discussions. Presenting their concept to a full room of security integration owners was one of Rich’s notable accomplishments along with being a PSA committee member award recipient.
While Rich revisits his achievements this past year, he also acknowledges the challenges he faced.
“I developed brain cancer in October 2023,” said Rich. “I was diagnosed with malignant stage 4 glioblastoma. Within a week of my diagnosis, I was having a craniotomy to remove my tumor. I spent 16 weeks on medical leave, which left me out of touch with all the daily goings-on that I had been intimately involved with previously.”
“Lori Hudnall didn’t bat an eyelash, she jumped right back in to chair the committee again while I was focusing on my recovery, to which I’m eternally grateful. I am currently cancer free and celebrating several months of remote work and healing at home. I look forward to continuing to be healthy, travelling again and participating in live panel discussions or presentations.”
Looking forward, Rich would like to see the P.E.O.P.L.E. Committee grow as a resource for PSA members to learn more about training and development tools as well as share their ideas and experiences. Rich’s experience exemplifies that committees are bigger than coming together as a network to tackle industry challenges. They provide a network of peers willing to support one another in a time of need.
Interested in joining a PSA committee? Learn more!
Outside of PSA Committees, Rich was an early adopter of PSA University, PSA’s learning management system (LMS). With guidance from PSA Director of Learning and Development Brooke Erickson, Rich built RFI’s custom LMS, hosted on PSA University, providing RFI employees training plans and resources specific to their exact needs.
Interested in PSA University free courses or custom LMS? Learn more!