
Featured Integrator: Netronix Integration

August 2, 2019

At PSA, we believe our integrators are the most innovative, advanced and effective in the systems integrators industry. To recognize these exceptional qualities, we bring PSA integrators to the stage each month and introduce them to the PSA community. This month we talk with Craig Jarrett, President, about Netronix Integration and how they are putting their clients first in every aspect of their business.

Netronix Integration focuses on ensuring a common goal of outstanding communication skills and quality customer service.
How long has Netronix Integration been in business?

We have been in business for 12 years, since 2007.

Craig Jarrett, President

To date, what has been the most unique or interesting job that you would be willing to share? 

Our most unique project was a little bit of a one-off where we installed some very expensive color/low light black and white cameras at a port on the ends of many cranes to watch for approaching vessels. Not only do the cranes move up/down and in/out but they were also not fixed to the earth and could move along the pier.

What vertical market does Netronix Integration work in?  

High Tech - Corporate 1000

How did your company get started in these markets?

Being based in Northern California, it's a market that surrounds you but one that will easily push you to all corners of the globe.

What are some of the biggest challenges that integrators are facing in these markets?

Working nationally or globally creates lots of interesting challenges. Sale tax and sales tax rules and regulations has to be one of the top challenges. Another is keeping a list of qualified partner/subcontractors who have been acquired by the competition.

In addition to this market or application focus, what other types of clients do you have?

Healthcare, Pharmaceutical and Education tend to be other markets that we focus on.

What makes Netronix stand out in the physical security industry? 

Commitment to customer satisfaction and schedule attainment. We pride ourselves on our "client comes first" approach in every aspect of our business.

What qualities will a successful security integration company have?
Quick response to customer requests, focusing on customers that see your value beyond the price and delivering what you promise. It's better to say you can't do something than to take it on and fail.
What is your advice to individuals who are looking to build a career in security systems integration?

Steve Piechota, Vice President

Be patient, learn something new each day, never assume you know all the answers and surround yourself with people who have done this for a long time. Good things come to those who work hard on this business.

Is there someone you would like to highlight in this feature?

I would like to highlight Steve Piechota, Vice President. Steve and I worked together for ten years before we started Netronix Integration together in 2007. Steve has always managed the sales team for all of our offices.

For more information on Netronix Integration, visit