
Five Minutes with Chris Hill

July 14, 2017
Ever wonder who keeps the PSA engine running?  A team of talented, intelligent, and fun people are working hard every day to ensure PSA leads the charge in the electronic security industry.

Get to know us a little better!  Meet Chris Hill, Pricing Assistant at PSA.

Describe your job in a couple of sentences:  In addition to comparing vendor price lists against the items on our storefront ( for price changes and discrepancies, I prepare imports of new items not currently on our storefront.  I also data mine our vendor’s websites for pictures and specifications sheets to add to the current items as well as new items to be posted on our storefront.How long have you worked for PSA? Almost 10 ½ Years.Can you share a little bit of information about your professional background? Prior to coming to work at PSA, my professional background was primarily in finance, specializing mainly in helping manage Corporate Pension Plans (401k, 403b & 457) for Fiserv Investment Support Services and online banking with Charles Schwab.  My journey in the physical security field began approximately 18 years ago when I monitored residential and commercial alarms for ADT Security Services for a little over 2 years.What was it about PSA that caught your interest? I am fascinated by technology.  The prospect of being on the cutting edge and learning about all the various types of physical security products was exciting to me.What do you enjoy most about working here? Of course the people!!!  I immediately felt at home the day I began working here.What do you like to do for fun? Primarily spending time with my wife Paula.  As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we enjoy volunteering in our door-to-door Ministry activity together & other various Theocratic-related activities.  We also like to take road trips, hike, bike, bowl, play billiards, go to concerts and lay by a pool soaking up some sun when we can.  I also LOVE to barbecue and cook.  I am an avid reader, primarily fictional spy and law thriller novels.  And getting in a nap in when I can.Any fun or interesting facts about yourself that you want to add? My grandmother and I were born on the same date in March.  My father’s side of the family can trace their lineage all the way back to Joseph Mohr, a German composer who composed the Christmas carol “Silent Night”.  My mother is related to Tracy Lawrence, a country music singer.  My high school jazz band won first place in state competition.  I also won first place as part of a classical music trio playing a Mozart piece.  I played 2nd trumpet.