
Five Minutes with Matthew Ashlock

July 26, 2019
Ever wonder who keeps the PSA engine running?  A team of talented, intelligent, and fun people are working hard every day to ensure PSA leads the charge in the systems integration industry.

Get to know us a little better!  Meet Matt Ashlock, Online Educational Specialist at PSA.

Matt Ashlock

Describe your job in a couple of sentences: In my role I curate, develop, design, implement, manage and maintain web-based instructional content for PSA.How long have you worked for PSA? I’m a newby with PSA.  I started on Monday, 06/03/2019.  And, I am uber excited to be here!!Can you share a little bit of information about your professional background? I come to PSA having spent the previous 15 years in public education serving in such varied roles as classroom teacher, online professional/technical administrator, professional development coordinator, and assistant high school principal.What was it about PSA that caught your interest? I’m not a person to make snap decisions and I had been giving some thought to navigating away from the sphere of public schools for some time.  I was seeking an opportunity to transfer the previous skills I have acquired in public education to a different career field, I was seeking a opportunity to learn new and additional skills, and I was looking for the opportunity to grow, both professionally and personally, with a growing company.  And, voila, I was lucky enough that PSA chose me.What do you enjoy most about working here? In my first few days at PSA, I am enjoying all of the PSA team members that I am getting to meet and know.What do you like to do for fun? I’m a bit of a foodie and I like to explore new haunts.Any fun or interesting facts about yourself?  I’m originally from Flint, MI, and the water crisis is real.  (Gulp!)