
Security Camera Maintenance: An Opportunity for Recurring Revenue

September 19, 2024
What is RMR (Recurring Monthly Revenue), and How is it Beneficial? Security systems are complex, and cameras can encounter issues at any time. In fact, 50% of cameras encounter a view problem each year. Blocked or blurry view angles, power supply interruptions and storage problems, are just a few examples of how cameras can stop functioning how they should. Without a solution for checking system health, customers are unaware of camera problems until they have a need to review the footage. Which, if there was an outage, may be missing completely, implementing a System Health Monitoring Software is valuable for customers and profitable for Managed Service Providers. There are four main ways that a business can generate Recurring Monthly Revenue (RMR) using health monitoring software, and each of them contribute to the overall goal of end-user peace of mind.
Proactive Service Security camera maintenance software can be offered as an “extended warranty” for customers. Businesses can efficiently deliver system maintenance, health check-ups and remote support as problems arise. Software that checks system health in real-time catches anomalies early, and instead of only offering ‘reactive solutions’, this is a ‘proactive service’ for customers.
Compliance Reports Metrics that were previously difficult to track are now logged in a readily available user dashboard. Review relevant information about camera uptime, and update firmware and passwords in bulk and with ease - making it easier than ever for customers to remain compliant.
Hardware Replacements Usually, end-users discover that cameras were down after an incident has occurred and they need to review the footage. Not having the expected video evidence can be devastating for customers. Alternatively, camera health monitoring software can flag the issue immediately. MSPs can then order replacement parts and schedule a paid service call to repair the equipment. Customers trust that their systems are functioning and online, and that they will have the video when they need it.
Subscription RMR Some customers choose to self-manage their security systems, but MSPs can still offer a subscription license so that users can review camera health and call for maintenance when they need it.
RMR: A Solution for Happier End-Users and More Profitable MSPs Customers and MSPs have better things to do than spending hours reviewing each individual surveillance camera. Save time, make more money and efficiently solve customer complaints by offering Security Camera Maintenance Software. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daniël Reichman, Ph.D., CEO and Chief Scientist Daniël Reichman, Ph.D. is the CEO and Chief Scientist of Ai-RGUS, an AI start-up spun out of Duke University. After receiving his Ph.D. at age 25, Dr. Reichman founded Ai-RGUS. With over 24 university publications, Dr. Reichman obtained his doctorate in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Duke University from a program fully funded by the US Army Research Office. Before Duke, he graduated from the fully funded program at The Cooper Union in New York City, with his masters and bachelor's in electrical engineering and a minor in mathematics. Over the years, Dr. Reichman has successfully completed consulting projects including the development of software to assist reading more than 10,000 pages that needed to be summarized for a book. His passion is to develop algorithms to improve quality of life by automating routine tasks.