
Working From Home During COVID-19: Recommendations from the PSA Cybersecurity Committee

May 6, 2020

Working from Home During COVID-19

Recommendations from the PSA Cybersecurity Committee

We recently asked the PSA Cybersecurity for their recommendations for integrators who are new to working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What should people be on the lookout for to avoid digital espionage, especially when working from home?
  • Learn about Social Engineering and be on alert for it. Phishing emails, rogue phone calls, Linkedin requests and other social media.  Protect your data.  Do not leave it laying around or throw it away without shredding it.

- Josh Cummings, Vice President, Technology, VTI

What are some best cybersecurity practices for people who are new to working from home?
  • Keep their personal PC’s and Routers patched and secure. Set a complex password on your WIFI.  Be aware with others in your household that are working from home (especially kids).  Beyond that, watch out for Phishing emails as everyone is getting blasted from all directions right now. Be vigilant even while working from home.  We are probably more exposed there than we are in an office environment.

- Josh Cummings, Vice President, Technology, VTI

  • Don’t store any meeting recordings in the cloud, store on local machine only. In general, the browser version of the virtual hosting platforms is less invasive to your user data.

- Andrew Lanning, Co-Founder, Integrated Security Technologies

Zoom has been in the news due to security concerns. What are some other platforms that the committee would recommend?
  • We use Microsoft Teams for all of our meetings. It is a great tool that has screensharing, audio and video calling.
  • Teams has Google analytics behind it, generating meeting data for sale/sharing. Not a problem for most things.
  • Better security here, less features, depending on the required meeting content:
  • Join is offering free VPN while they’re in beta:
  • Brave is a secure and fast browser:
  • Of course, Tor is the most secure option:

- Andrew Lanning, Co-Founder, Integrated Security Technologies