
Introduction to DiSC Training 101 Offered at TEC!

April 5, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Interested in attending DiSC Training 101 on May 4 at PSA TEC 2023 in Dallas? This introduction session is for you! On April 5, attendees will hear testimonials from PSA members on the benefits of the DiSC workshop, what it provided to their organizations and what you'll gain from attending the DiSC workshop at TEC led by Jayne Boucherle, ​co-owner at Matterhorn Consulting.

The TEC DiSC Training 101 workshop will focus on developing greater self-awareness and stronger people skills. Having stronger relational skills and emotional intelligence advances people in their organization faster according to the Harvard Business Review where strong social and communication skills rank No. 1 for career success.

Join us along with PSA member panelists on April 5 for interactive discussion on what the DiSC Training 101 at TEC can do for your organization and personal success!

*All website times are listed in mountain time unless specified otherwise.