
PSA Sales Strategy Committee: Growing Sales Professionals

January 13, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Companies with rising sales, or who see potential for revenue growth, often times seek to increase the size of their sales force. Doing this isn’t as simple as hiring the right talent. Companies need to plan for fitting the new sales reps into the existing sales structure. How do systems integrators recruit and grow the next generation of sales professionals while retaining the existing team of multi-generational salespeople? In this session by the PSA Sales Strategy committee, our expert panel of industry professionals will discuss how to recruit a new generation of salespeople, the differences in training a sales team made up of different generations and understanding what factors motivate your sales team to stay with your company.


• James Gallagher | Manager of Integrator Services | The PSA Network


• Mark Alig | Inside Sales Manager | The PSA Network

• Alana Batschelet | Federal Account Manager | Integrated Security Technologies

• Grady Jett | Vice President Sales | Preferred Technologies, LLC

• Mark Sakamoto | Business Development Manager | Netronix Integration