Webinar: Learning Assessment Proof Points
As the security industry continues to evolve, the security technician must be in a perpetual state of learning to effectively do their job. Determining what technicians already know allows you, as a Project Manager, to target specific knowledge gaps and create a bridge between the technician’s previous knowledge and new information. This webinar will focus both on checking a technician’s background knowledge prior to a learning event and measuring technician learning during and after the learning event is complete. Attendees will learn:
- How to assess a technician’s background knowledge through inventories, surveys and probing quizzes.
- The differences between summative, formative, direct, and indirect assessments.
- How to develop and use rubrics.
Presented by Connie Moorhead, President of The CMOOR Group / SecurityCEU.com, this special Project Management Appreciation Month session offers the following takeaways for attendees:
- A full guide for using and developing a rubric for technical instructional purposes.
- A worksheet for developing program level assessments.
- A complete resource of action words for Bloom’s Taxonomy.