
WEBINAR: New! Web-based WeEstimate Site Survey Module for Integrators

December 5, 2017
Time: 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

A brand-spanking new enhancement made with our PSA Security Integrators in mind! Check out our web-based Site Survey Module that is powered directly by WeEstimate. The WeEstimate Site Survey takes full advantage of WeEstimate Folder levels with a live parts search from PSA, WeSuite or integrated accounting platforms. Users can define simple to complex systems on an iPad, tablet or laptop before starting an Estimate, or after. Work as you like, in the field or at the desktop. Import plan images, photos or sketch it yourself. Join us for a high-level overview of the WeEstimate Site Survey for an enhanced sales experience.

Design simple to complex jobs in one easy place that enable Users to:
  • Associate Site Surveys to Estimates
  • Associate Estimates to Site Surveys
  • Import plan images, photos or sketch it yourself
  • Utilize WeEstimate folder levels
  • Live parts search directly from PSA, WeSuite or integrated accounting platform
  • Insert Packages
  • Add Notes to Devices, Plans or Job
  • Print Survey