
Learn From Your Peers | PSA Committee Sessions at TEC

April 18, 2016

PSA Committees are hosting NINE sessions this year at TEC. These peer-to-peer sessions will focus on project management, leadership, sales and marketing, cybersecurity, and technical topics - including how to improve communication between sales and operations, leadership strategies, emerging technologies, and branding and project management best practices. The sessions will emphasize learning from a group of peers who face the same challenges.

Monday May, 9

How Was I Supposed to Know: Security Industry Basics

Let’s face it – being new to anything can be overwhelming!  Now, talk about being new to the workforce, new to a company, or new to an industry.  How do you learn without feeling awkward about not knowing? The PSA Sales and Marketing committee is here to help.  In this introduction to the PSA Security Network and security industry, we will provide you with valuable information and tools to jump start your TEC experience.  You will leave this session with networking tips and targets, information on industry publications and associations to pay attention to, a basic understanding of common technology solutions, and an understanding of the basic infrastructure of the security industry.

Thursday, May 12

Branding from the Inside Out

First impressions are everything. Is your brand consistently portraying the right image? We all work so hard developing our culture and setting standards for our performance, but is our greatness what others see? After attending this session, you will have a proven set of tactics for establishing your brand based on your company’s mission and core values.

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Committee Roundtable at TEC 2015

Leadership Challenge

A leadership training series designed for everyone who wants to be a leader, from front-line managers and executives, to those who wish to attain more from their jobs.  Properly trained leaders not only perform better on the job, they also make those around them more productive, responsible, loyal, and motivated.

The Secrets of Synergy between Sales and OperationsHosted by the PSA Project Management and Sales & Marketing Committees, this interactive session will empower sales reps and project managers with ideas for protecting margins, managing customer expectations, and developing good communication systems with stakeholders from pre-sales meetings through delivery. Attendees will learn how to improve the overall customer experience by understanding what is important to their respective counterparts. Space is limited and waitlists are in place to ensure equal representation of operations and sales teams.Technical Committee Roundtable Discussion

This round table discussion presented by the PSA Technical Committee is designed to provide insight on key technologies driving the industry today and the potential impact these technologies will have on physical security in the future. Attendees will participate in a facilitated discussion and will evaluate the current capabilities of these technologies and the future potential value or limitations of these technologies. With an increased understanding of where current and future products provide value, integrators can better invest in the appropriate competencies and have more valuable interactions with their customers. Attendees will contribute findings, be engaged in interactive dialogues among industry peers and rate the perceived value of the technologies based on current use and intended future use.

Assessment, Control, and Monitoring Strategies for Internal Cyber Hygiene

Lost on cybersecurity? Tired of hearing about it and not sure how or where it impacts your business? The PSA Cybersecurity Committee presents a panel of experts who have worked on streamlining the steps necessary for you to understand and mitigate the risks associated with cybersecurity in accordance with NIST's Risk Management Framework. Learn about our work to date on the PSA Cyber Hygiene Playbook, and enjoy a "Tier Zero" Q&A to help you get a basic look at the vulnerabilities that could affect you the most, and your simplest fixes. This session will help you ease into the next phase of assessing vulnerabilities while developing tools and maturity strategies for your business.

Leadership Committee Roundtable

This Leadership Round table will be facilitated by the PSA Leadership Committee. Attendees can look forward to an interactive dialogue on key topics to include creating a customer-focused culture, team-building and continuity and succession planning. Please join a powerful network of your industry peers who will share their experiences and perspectives on the role of the leader in addressing present-day matters impacting the strategic direction of your business.

Stakeholder Management: Strategies for Project Success

Hosted by the PSA Project Management Committee, this session is designed for Project Managers who want to improve stakeholder communication and engagement throughout the project life cycle. Attendees will learn to effectively identify and define project stakeholders, establish methodologies for continuous communication, and maintain project clarity when dealing with tight deadlines, limited resources, and changing project requirements.

Being Busy is Boring – Finding Focus is Fabulous!

This interactive workshop, facilitated by PSA’s Sales & Marketing Committee, will focus on developing a plan to improve your sales & marketing results by applying knowledge gained from your week at TEC. In this session you will be developing a focused plan based on your core values and mission, defining your company’s unique selling proposition so you are able to identify the right opportunities and qualify for the right buyer, and planning which resources and tools you will use to deliver your message.

For session times, or to register for TEC visit: