PSA Announces Launch of High Tide and Hang 10 Recognizing Elite Members and Owners
“Membership at PSA is exclusive and made up of the most progressive systems integrators in the industry; the Hang 10 and High Tide are the cream of the crop,” said Matt Barnette, CEO of PSA. “PSA looks for integrators who are thought leaders, have strong core values and are forward thinking. Members of this new program exemplify these attributes and we want to celebrate them.”
The High Tide and Hang 10 both help carry out PSA’s vision to be the rising tide. Members will enjoy exclusive perks such as media relations, personalized educational offerings, additional engagement, extra networking opportunities at PSA events and more.
PSA’s mission is to elevate the industries it serves by providing owners and members exceptional education, networking, services and connections with technology partners. PSA brings this mission to life by partnering with industry-leading product and solution providers, delivering unparalleled education and training programs and by offering a variety of distinctive services that can enhance any company’s operations.
Inclusion in the High Tide and Hang 10 can vary from year to year. The Hang 10 will be announced at PSA Convention in October 2022 in Hilton Head, SC. Last year’s top 10 purchasers and inaugural members in the PSA Network were:
- Tech Systems, Inc.
- Allied Universal Technology Services
- Netronix Integration, Inc.
- REECE Complete Security Solutions
- Northland Controls Systems
- PASS Security
- Convergint Technologies
- Unlimited Technology, Inc.
- Security Equipment
- Vision Security Technologies
High Tide inaugural members can be found here.
To learn more about the benefits of PSA or to apply to join the most elite systems integrators, visit: https://psasecurity.com/join-psa.
About PSA:PSA is the world’s largest systems integrator consortium made up of the most progressive security and audio-visual systems integrators in North America. Combined, PSA members boasts over 500 branch locations, employ over 13,500 industry professionals and are responsible for over $4.5 billion annually in security, fire, life safety and pro audio-visual installations.
PSA’s mission is to elevate the industries we serve by providing owners and members exceptional education, networking, services and connections with technology partners. PSA brings this mission to life by partnering with industry-leading product and solution providers, delivering unparalleled education and training programs and by offering a variety of distinctive services that can enhance any company’s operations. Learn more at www.psasecurity.com.
PSA Media Contact:Candice Aragon
Vice President of Marketing and Events
Office: 303-450-3467