SDM: 4 Lessons from Life & Kaleidoscopes with Ric McCullough
Learn from PSA’s Ric McCullough, president, as he shares lessons on business structure, inclusion and diversity, your moment in the light and what customers see all from a kaleidoscope perspective.
Ten years ago, I spoke at a national meeting of sales teams and executives. This was my last formal presentation to a company that I helped grow over the previous 27 years. The speech I gave was about kaleidoscopes and their relevance to business and leadership. That corporation was going through a significant reorganization and rooftop reduction effort. The changing view of a kaleidoscope seemed like a classic and relevant metaphor then. Now, it seems more relevant than ever — not just for that company, but for our security industry.
Learn more about life lessons and kaleidoscopes. Read more on SDMMag.com>>